discussion student response

Below is the question- 


DUE Thursday

Use this online discussion to share ideas about the assigned text. Consider the prompts below.

  • Relate concepts in this book to other topics that you know.
  • Make connections between the text and your personal experiences.
  • Make connections between the text and the local, national, or global context.
  • Share new or interesting ideas from the text.
  • Pose a question for your classmates about the concepts in this book.

this is the students answer- READ THE STUDENTS ANSWER AND GIVE YOUR THOUGHTS ON WHAT THEY POSTED? DO YOU LIKE WHAT THEY POSTED? DO YOU AGREE? DO YOU DISAGREE? Answer the student like you are talking to them DIRECTLY- do not answer the post ln the third person – answer like you are speaking to the student DIRECTLY


YesterdayApr 1 at 6:59pm

Chapter 7 had many good points of view in my opinion. The one that stood out to me the most was while helping advocate for a particular marginalized group, do not think you are a savior. When someone chooses to educate for a particular group it is best to be an ally. Expressing that you are a savior is another way of putting yourself above someone as oppose to being on the same level.

This chapter has enlightened me in the aspect that I particularly have so much growing to do when it comes to educating myself in becoming a leader of equity. While I believe myself to be excepting of all people, I still have plenty of knowledge to gain when it comes to being an ally. I plan to continue to grow after this class, so that I can be a leader both to my students, colleagues, and community.

The text from this chapter really helped me see that continuing to educate yourself on a particular subject matter is beneficial. Even if you think you know and act in a way you seem fit, does not mean it is the proper way. For example, what is the correct terminology for a specific group of individuals? By using the proper terms, this shows understanding and compassion for the individual. Using proper pronouns for example.

My question to the class is what did this chapter help you realize about yourself and  how you deemed yourself as a leader of equity for all?