Discussion: Understanding the Cybersecurity Landscape (300 words)


  1. Research and read the below concepts related to “Principles of Computer security”
    1. Computer security trends
    2. General computer security concepts
    3. Operational and Organizational Computer Security
    4. The Role of People in Computer Security
  2. Respond to the following prompts:
    1. Provide a list of several current security incidents. Examine the cause of such incidents. What types of vulnerabilities led to the incidents?
    2. Select one incident and discuss the short- and long-term impact the incident had on the organization.
    3. Construct a short set of bullet points you believe would help mitigate such an incident. How would you implement such a set of policies? How would this help prevent employees from making security mistakes?
  3. Your response should be in 300 words and provide appropriate references in APA format