DIT discussion10

DIT615 Discussion

Read and critique the following(no more than 100 words):

Jaziri, R., El-Mahjoub, O., & Boussaffa, A. (2018). Proposition of a hybrid methodology of project management. American Journal of Engineering Research, 7(4), 113-117. 

This research paper recommends a hybrid project management methodology that combines what the authors consider to be the best features of PRINCE II and PMBOK. Name one feature of the proposed hybrid methodology that could be problematic. Should the PRINCE II or PMBoK features be retained? Elaborate on the reasons you chose the specific feature and the issues that may result from using the hybrid methodology. 

DIT630 Discussion

Review the articles below and provide a summary of your understanding of the message of the text in one paragraph.

This short essay should be 100 words (not including references) and you must provide evidence for your position using 1 academic or professional sources.

Jachimowicz, JM. (2018). Chapter 21: Responding to Someone Who Challenges Your Data. In HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers (pp. 199-203). Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press.

Morgan, N. (2018) Chapter 22: Decisions Dont Start with Data. In HBR Guide to Data Analytics Basics for Managers (pp. 205-207). Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press.