Diversity in the Workplace

Grading will be based upon completeness, conciseness, and clarity of expression. All papers must be uploaded as a Word document. The paper must be at least 600 words, but not more than 750 words, 12 point font. The paper must have a separate title page for your name, class, date, and heading (i.e., title of your paper). The word count is based on the substance of the paper, and does not include the title page. Neatness and organization also count. Deductions will be made for poor grammar, spelling and sentence structure, as well as for failure to follow the designated format and posting instructions.

Research is not required, but is welcome. You must cite to all quoted material (i.e., the name of the document and a link showing how to locate the document). Quotations may not exceed 15% of the total word count.Please read the following Native American case in full and answer the questions at the end.Discussion Questions: NEED TO BE ANSWERED
Is it appropriate for an employee of an urban tribal office to perform a traditional smudging ritual and impose her spiritual and cultural beliefs on others? Why or why not?
Could cultural revitalization of an urban Indian population be cultivated and maintained by incorporating smudging and other Native rituals and values in the workplace?
Do urban Indians have a right to be Indian? What does this mean?
Does the supervisor have the authority to tell this employee what personal traditions they can or cannot do in this environment?
How are conflicts like this best resolved?
What could be the possible ramifications for her decision in this situation, one way or another?
What do you think Anna should do and why?