From the humdrum of the mid-2000s web apps, Apple radically changed the mobile world with the iPhone, offering well-designed apps of their own and curating apps that were accepted into the App Store.  That influence has been far reaching, prompting Google to push their boundaries and develop material design, a design language that has become the distinctive hallmark of Android apps.  When compared to the web world where some popular apps could get away with mediocre design, why do mobile apps face a higher design bar? 

  • When compared to the web world where some popular apps could get away with mediocre design, why do mobile apps face a higher design bar?
  • Compare and contrast native mobile app design versus standard desktop app design.  Discuss considerations for choosing one over the other.  Elaborate on main advantages vs disadvantages.

Question 2 : Creating an Example Web Service. Page 42 Chapter 3.

For submission : Read carefully “Using the Microsoft Stack” and “Using the Linux Apache MySQL PHP (LAMP) Stack” or 2 different approaches for creating a web service. Then
(a) compare the two approaches and
(b) explain 2 advantages of each approach relative to the other.