Dropbox for Inventory of School Assessment Data Link for Appendix J: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3961lfk5a8gft2k/Appendix+J.pdf/file Conduct a school (Laurel School District, Mississippi) inventory

Dropbox for Inventory of School Assessment Data

Link for Appendix J: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3961lfk5a8gft2k/Appendix+J.pdf/file

  • Conduct a school (Laurel School District, Mississippi) inventory of assessment data for the purpose of preparing a report.
  • Include those assessments that are administered by the school, district, state, and federal government.
  • Format your inventory using the following information: 1) Name of Assessment, 2) Audience assessed, 3) Frequency of Assessment, 4) Scoring method(s), 5) Format in which results are received, 6) How results are shared with stakeholders, and 7) Decisions that are made from the results.
  • Your inventory should include a minimum of three (3) assessments. 
  • Do not list items as an inventory.   Use complete sentences throughout the report.
  • Refer to Appendix J or Voice over PowerPoint presentation in Week Four module for assistance in completing this assignment.

Use this format to inventory each of your assessments: