due today

 In the last four modules, you have completed important steps toward building your final research paper and received feedback from your instructor to help you make changes and improve. Feedback is essential to the writing process; the more eyes on your work, the better it can become. So this week, you will submit your Milestone 5 assignment so that both your instructor and a peer reviewer can give you their feedback in Module 6.

 Step 1: Introduction Paragraph 

For this assignment, you will draft the introduction for your final paper.


Your introduction paragraph should be approximately 150-200 words. It should: 

  1. Grab the readers attention with an opening “hook  this may be an interesting example, a quotation, an anecdote, or a question related to your topic 
  2. Include your thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction and underline it to make it clear to your reader. Its expected that your thesis statement has changed and improved since you last submitted it in Milestone 3 based on your instructor’s feedback.
  3. Since you are drafting content that will become part of your final project, which is a formal academic writing assignment, you should avoid informal language (i.e. slang) and first-person pronouns (i.e. I, me, my) 


Step 2: Outline  

Once you have drafted your introduction paragraph, below it in the same document you will compose an outline of the body paragraphs and conclusion of your paper.

 Your outline should include at least 3 body paragraphs supporting your thesis statement, 1 body paragraph to refute opposing perspectives, and a conclusion that reiterates your thesis statement. Each body paragraph should include 1-2 supporting details with the source or sources you plan to use as evidence for that detail. This way you will determine if you have enough evidence for your points, which will make it much easier to draft your full paper in the coming weeks or find additional sources if necessary. 


Step 3: Reference List

Since you are including source information in your outline, you need to include a list of references at the end for all of your sources. This should be formatted in APA style, just as you did last week for Milestone 4. If your instructor offered corrections and feedback on your Milestone 4 references, make sure to make those changes before submitting Milestone 5