due today in 8 hours….. please read

must have done in 8 hours…… no late work…….. 

Do the following: 

Watch the videos using the links and answer the questions for each video section (A,B,C,D,E)

A) https://streaming.videatives.com/playlists/share/4f12a4255d834dac5e9e4794261d40d8 

1.  What was the teacher’s disposition in each of the clips?

2.  If children had misunderstandings, did the teachers intervene?  If they did, what techniques did the teacher utilize and when?

3.  Describe the interactions/conversations between the teacher and the children?  How did the teachers demonstrate respect for each child?

4.  In your overall opinion, how effective do you think the teachers were?  Do you think their involvement was appropriate or over/under controlling?  Why?

B) https://streaming.videatives.com/playlists/share/518198f9d92162654bd928c54a54c2cb

 1.  What materials were the children using?

2.  What concepts were they learning/practicing?

3.  Was this lesson effective?

C) https://streaming.videatives.com/playlists/share/bbc53690ce515f8535e983afdfbdf592

 1.  What were the children doing in each scenario?  Was a teacher directly involved?

2.  Did the children take on roles?  How did the children demonstrate what they have observed in real life in their play?

3.  By simply observing the children without interactions, what can the teacher learn about what children know/understand?  How effective is observation in assessment?  Why?

4.  When the children had conflicts, the teacher did not automatically intervene.  Why might a teacher not intervene and what do you think about it?

D) https://streaming.videatives.com/playlists/share/3c07efd0145775744ef0677038dfc63d

1.  What were the creative projects the children were doing?

2.  Was there any “teacher prep” involved, for instance, cutting out a shape like a bee with directions for them to use specific materials to finish their “bee”.  Why do you think?  What makes an activity creative?

3.  What were some of the teacher’s comments?  Did you ever hear “praise” words, such as “good job,” “I like what you did,” etc.?  Why do you think?

E) https://streaming.videatives.com/playlists/share/418ecf7dae131dd19679fcda255e0306

For these videos, I want you to simply observe what is going on in each video and take notes.  Do not  use subjective words.  Just write what you see and hear.  Write with details so that anyone who has not seen this video could picture in their mind exactly what was happening in it.