Due Tomorrow!!!


1.  Reaction Papers:  Each of the eight modules involves one reaction paper in response to a required reading and/or designated supplemental media resource. Each reaction paper must address principallythough not exclusivelya critical analysis of the designated reading and/or media resource in accordance with the following titled subsections in bold:  (a) Background addressing a brief summary of the principal theoretical constructs and empirical research bases; (b) Evaluative Critique inclusive of your pro and con assessment of the aforementioned constructs and research bases; and (c) Real-World Applications addressing viable ways in which the designated focus under consideration may relate to pragmatic concerns such as, e.g., therapy, instruction, parenting, and/or workplace behavior.   

2. The stylistic/ formatting specifications for each reaction paper are as follows:  (a) two word-processed pages (approximately 500-600 words in toto); (b) the heading on the very first page should include only one horizontal  line displaying the students name, module number/topic, and date; (c) double-spaced; (d) maximum of one-inch marginstop, bottom, right, and left; (e) 12-point Times New Roman font; and (f) American Psychological Association (APA) stylistic format preferred, but any standard format is acceptable.   

3.  VERY  IMPORTANT:  Regarding the two word-processed pages, the Background section should span the entire first page and should label explicitly by name and address five issues/themes/topics you consider to be critical   in the module(s); the Evaluative Critique section should encompass only the top-half of the second page and should address explicitly by name two pro and two con positions in the module; and the Real-World Applications section should address only the bottom-half of the second page and should address explicitly by name three pragmatic concerns in the module such as, e.g., therapy, instruction, parenting, and/or workplace behavior.  Finally, you must explicitly display by underscoring and/or italicizing the following aforementioned: (a) the Background sections chosen five issues/themes/topics; (b) the Evaluative Critique sections chosen two pro and two con positions; and the Real-Life Applications sections chosen three pragmatic applications. Please know that this previous sentence is critical and absolutely necessitates the underscoring and/or italicizing. 

Given that you have just read the three previous  paragraphs (viz., 1. – 3.),  as linked should illustrate the type of narrative that spans only one horizontal line displaying the student’s information,  the Background section including five issues/themes/topics,  the Evaluative Critique section citing two pro and two con positions, and the Real-World Applications section encompassing three pragmatic applications.