
The goal of the assignment is to create the e-Commerce portion of a business plan for a fictitious start-up company that you will be CEO of. 
The e-Commerce business plan should contain the following sections:

Business overview:  Provide an overview of your fictitious business.  Are you providing a product?  And/or a service?  Who are your targeted customers?  Who are your competitors? Etc.
e-Commerce Strategy: How will the e-Commerce channel(s) support your business?  What is your B2B and B2C strategy?  Will you sell and/or service via e-Commerce channel(s)? Etc.
e-Commerce Presence: Explain what your e-Commerce presence will look like.  For example, will you have website?  A mobile app?  A social media presence? Etc.  How will these platforms be used your support your business.
Payment Systems:  Provide an overview oof what payment systems you will use to support your business.
Marketing Strategy: How will you use the e-Commerce channels (email, social, mobile, etc) to support your broader marketing strategy, etc.
Ethical, Social, Political Issues:  From an e-Commerce perspective which ethical, social, and political issues do you envision posing a challenge for your business? And how will you mitigate these challenges.
Online Retail and Service: Will your customers be able to buy your products and/or services online?  If so, via which channel(s).  Will you be providing self-service capabilities for your customers?  If so, via which channel(s).
Online Content & Media: What type(s) of content and media will you be suing to support your business?  How will this content and media be accessible to your customers and stakeholders.
Supply Chain (I.e. Value Chain): Provide an overview of your supply chain and how will e-Commerce enable and support your supply chain.