


Resumes are still used by many companies, but they don’t represent you very well.  It’s a good idea to create an e-portfolio that you can share.  E-portfolios allow you to create a collection of the courses you have taken, the software you have learned, the clubs you have joined, the volunteering you have done, the internship you have participated in, the jobs that you had, your class projects and assignments, etc. You create a website and decide what you want to include. This gives you an opportunity to reflect on your experiences and showcase your ideas. It can also be a powerful job seeking tool. You can direct your prospective employers to this site to find out more about your academic work, records and achievements.Your e-portfolio might have the following sections:

  • about you (talk about your goals and aspirations, who you are and what you want to be)
  • courses you have taken (course description, syllabus, etc.)
  • class projects you have worked on (you are show casing your skills to your prospective employers)
  • software you have learned (this is important to attract your employers)
  • work experience if you have any (important to list any work that you did)
  • volunteering (speaks about your goodness)
  • memberships in Associations (ISA, BGS, etc.)

Spend some time on it and prepare something that you can submit to your prospective employers.You can use a free platform/website. For help, there are online videos. Here are some popular examples:Here are some examples of e-portfolios of undergraduate students: