Earth Science-Comparing alternative energies – describing the basic mechanisms

Comparing alternative energies – describing the basic mechanisms by how energy is generated and the pros and cons of each.Alternative Energies Comparison and Selection AssignmentPlease research three different alternative energy sources. For example wind solar geothermal heat pumps ethanol or biofuel hydro tide power etc..Be sure to write both Parts I and II in the same assignment box.Part I – Select three energy sources and write a paragraph that clearly describes how each of these is created and the pros and cons each of the three you selected. All factual information must be clearly cited using MLA or similar style. You may use your text book or any other sources.Part II – Then imagine you were building a house in Massachusetts and you had to choose two of the three sources to provide energy for your house. Provide a clear explanation of why you are selecting the two and rejecting the third.You will be graded based upon (5 points for each criteria listed below)-1 – Are both parts written in clearly organized paragraphs? Topic sentences complete sentences and correct grammar?2 – In part I – Are your three descriptions factually correct are supported by facts taken from cited course (text book online etc.)? Have you provided enough detail to show that you clearly understand how the energy sources is created?3 – In part I – have you clearly shown multiple pros and cons for each of your four energy sources?4 – In part II – Do you provide logical support for your selection of the energy sources? Do you discuss why you have did NOT choose a particular energy source?For this assignment you must write your response in a MS-Word document and add it as an attachment.