Earth Science-Evolution and Intelligent Design

ONLY NEED 400 WORDS. THANKSEvolution and Intelligent DesignOne of the more recent and continuing conflicts regarding scientific theories is that of evolution. Stemming from the fact that evolution conflicts with religious beliefs regarding the origin of all forms of life on Earth the conflict carried over to public education. Some religious leaders in several states have argued that alongside evolution ideas like intelligent design (ID) should also be taught within science classrooms in public schools. In Seminar you will explore the differences between the science supporting evolution and the evidence used to support ID. To learn more about the two concepts and history of this controversy explore the following resources.Explore the process of natural selection by opening the Evolution chapter resources clicking on “Animations and Demonstrations” and choosing “Selection.”Learn about the genetic evidence for common ancestry by watching the following video: to the following statements regarding scientific theories and the misinterpretation of the term “theory”: is evolution controversial anyway? (A video) Revolution a timeline additional videos interactives and interviews here: to Seminar prepared to discuss the following questions:What are the various forms of evidence for evolution?What are the various forms of evidence for intelligent design?What are the similarities and differences between the evidence for evolution and intelligent design?What are the differences between a scientist’s definition of a theory and the definition by a non-scientist?How could antimicrobial resistance of bacteria and pesticide resistance of insects provide us with examples of natural selection or evolution?Charles Darwin died before Gregor Mendel (also known as the Father of Genetics) shared his discoveries on the inheritance of traits. However their research definitely complements one another. How could further research into genetics continue to help us understand the process of evolution?Complete one of the following options below:Option 1:Participate in a synchronous Seminar. The School of General Education’s Science Department Seminars are meant to be an interactive period between students and instructor – not a lecture period. In order to fully participate in Seminar be sure to prepare ahead of time by reviewing the provided materials. It is recommended that students create a MS Word document including responses to the Seminar questions listed as well as any questions you may have on the topic. These questions and comments can then be easily copied and pasted into the Seminar chat screen throughout our Discussion. Be sure to respond to questions posed by your instructor and feel free to share your own thoughts ideas and questions related to the topic. It is important to participate throughout the hour. Your active participation helps to advance the Discussion and allows your instructor to determine which areas warrant further exploration.Option 2/Alternative Assignment:Write and submit a 400-word paper discussing the questions posed in the Seminar description above.