Earth science news report 3


Earth is in the news!

This semester you are going to tune your eyes and ears to news stories specifically about the earth, natural disasters, climate, oceans, and space. That’s a lot.

Skills: exploring the news & media for quality scientific news. Learn to connect out-of-class information to in-class information. Spark interest in quality science reporting. Become aware of current events we can change or that impact us.

Submission: A ~600 word write-up based on a news story related to Earth Science. Date of article/news release should be after July 1, 2021 (no old news).

Include full citation information of article/news item included at the top of your submission. Please be sure you are correctly citing your news source. Follow guides you have used in other classes or on the .

Make a submission in the “Reply” box below this intro space. 

Click on "Reply" to enter your news report entry. This is an image of what it looks like.

Expectations: Find a news item of interest to you related to the wide topic of Earth Science. This should be a news story of substance (more than a couple paragraphs of text or more than 5 minutes of audio/video segment). Read the article/listen to the story carefully and consider how it relates to what we have been learning. Your write up should include a clear summary of the scientific news presented (~1 paragraph) followed by your reflection and commentary of the news.

Examples of things to consider depending on the news item you selected:

  • What connections did this information have with what we have covered in class?
  • Did it surprise you?
  • Does it impact people?
  • Is the event or topic short-term or long-term?
  • Be sure to fully describe how it connects to what we have learned in class (or topic we are yet-to-cover). Might do a little behind-the-scenes research to give background information.

Graded out of 15 points

HINT: I recommend you type your assignment in a word processing program and when it’s “all pretty and done” then copy/paste your submission into this assignment discussion. Spelling and grammar and structure and idea expression count.