Evidence-based practice is an approach to health care where health care professionals use the best evidence possible or the most appropriate information available to make their clinical decisions. Research studies are gathered from the literature and assessed so that decisions about application can be done so with as much insight as possible. Not all research is able to be taken into the clinical practice that is why assessing the literature and determining if it is possible to carry out in a safe and effective manner is important. The steps that make up the evidence-based practice is first to ask a question which pertains to your clinical practice, then search for research and literature that will help solve your question. Third step is to evaluate the evidence and determine if it can be used safely and effectively in your clinical practice, then you must apply the information to your clinical experience and with your patients values. Finally, you must evaluate the outcome and determine if the desired effect is being reached. (LoBiondo-Wood, 2014)
The nursing process is drilled into our education as nurses and with good reason. The nursing process is used countless times throughout our practice. I was taught the acronym ADPIE which stands for assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. When assessing it is important to gather as much information on the patient whether it be subjective or objective findings. After we make a nursing diagnosis based on our assessment and then we plan on how to best care for our patient, and what our goals and their goals are for their care. Once the plan is made and the patient consents to the care plan then we can implement the plan. After we implement, we evaluate whether our goals and the patients goals are being reached. If not, we begin the nursing process all over again. (LoBiondo-Wood, 2014) In my own practice I use the nursing practice on every patient and even do it multiple times. When a patient enters the emergency room they are immediately being assessed and then once the physical and interview assessments are done the nurse creates a nursing diagnosis. The nurse creates a care plan that is based on evidence-based practice and goes over it with patient to gain consent.
The difference between these two processes is how they begin. The nursing process begins by gathering as much information as possible to then give a nursing diagnosis. While evidence-based practice begins by posing a question first and then gathering as much information as possible. They do have similarities especially when it comes to the end of the processes. Evaluating whether the care plan is working in the nursing process or whether the research and literature brought out a successful new take on the clinical practice. They both need to make the outcomes are as expected and if they are not it is back to the beginning of the process.
LoBiondo-Wood, G., & Harber, J. (2014). Nursing Research. St. Louis: Elsevier.



Similarities and Differences between Essential Processes in Nursing


Nurses are responsible for searching for new information and approaches to ensure improved and quality care for their patients (Haber & LoBiondo, 2014). The search for new information and implementation of approaches rely on research processes, nursing processes, and evidence-based practices to make critical decisions. This paper evaluates the similarities and differences between these processes.


All the processes require expertise and knowledge of processes.

According to  Haber & LoBiondo (2014), nurses [professionals] have a duty of improving the quality of care offered to patients; therefore, through research and evidence-based practice, which similarly requires expert knowledge, nurses improve patient care.

Their ultimate goal is to bring quality care.

According to Haber & LoBiondo (2014), nursing research generates knowledge, which develops evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice brings about implementation through data analysis, which is relevant through the nursing process that ensures patient care.

Each of these processes opens with a question.

 According to St Augustine University (2020), the first step in evidence practice is question generation on the problem at hand, intervention, or outcome. Similarly, the first crucial step for any research is establishing a problem that requires answers, hence the research (Haber & LoBiondo, 2014). The nursing process is not different either. The patients’ assessment starts with inquiring about the patient’s physical/psychological status, personal health history, and family-related issues. According to Schlette et al. (2021), the evaluation requires active patient engagement, including a question and answers session.

They all add to the body of knowledge in nursing

Haber & LoBiondo (2014), in their definition, state that the essence of research is to provide answers to phenomena in the nursing field. Evidence-based practice (EBP) similarly does that for according to the University of St Augustine (2020), the data analysis’s main agenda in EBP is to provide knowledge to make informed nursing decisions. However, EBP depends on knowledge from clinical practice and patient care, which nursing processes provide. Schlette et al. (2021) affirm that the nursing process is essential; it provides the nursing practice framework, thus providing knowledge of the clinical practice. In the long run, therefore, they all add to the body of knowledge.


They all use a separate process to attain their goal.

According to Haber & LoBiondo (2014), the primary research process involves research problem formulation, literature review, hypothesis formulation, choosing a research design, defining the study’s scope, determining sample design, and administering data collection tools, and lastly, analysis of the findings. Evidence-based practice, though it follows an almost similar procedure as the nursing process, still differs. According to Haber & LoBiondo (2014), EBP utilizes meta-analysis and systematic reviews. However, meta-analysis is the best method because it provides Level I evidence (highest Level) since it integrates and statistically analyzes several studies. It starts with the question at hand. According to St Augustine University, the next step in EBP is acquiring relevant material to answer the question. The next crucial steps involve appraisal of evidence, application, and assessment of outcome after application. The Nursing process also is distinct. The first step is patient assessment, then the diagnosis follows. Planning based on diagnosis is the third step; the implementation follows and then outcome evaluation.

Unlike research and evidence-based practice, the nursing process only is utilized when the patient gets administered, thus individual-based (Haber & LoBiondo, pp. 164). Research, though, aims to answer the question; the aim is to provide universal knowledge. The same is true for an evidence-based practice whose outcome will determine its universal applicability. Nevertheless, the nursing process only applies to individual patients, and knowledge sourced is only relevant in solving the patient’s need.


In conclusion, the research process, evidence-based practice, and nursing processes are relevant in nursing. Even though they have some similarities, their application and purpose also differ. Nevertheless, they are imperative in nursing practice.


LoBiondo-Wood, G. & Haber, J. (2018). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby

Schlette, J., Faubion, D., Monroe, J., Jividen, S., Goodwin, C., Jacobson, L., (2021). “The Nursing Process.” Nursing Process Organization. Retrieved from https://www.nursingprocess.org/Nursing-Process-Steps.html#:~:text=The%20nursing%20process%20is%20a%20scientific%20method%20used,can%20be%20broken%20down%20into%20five%20separate%20steps.

University of St Augustine (2020). “The Role of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing.” Retrieved from https://www.usa.edu/blog/evidence-based-practice/