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1.(Article 6. 1) Chen and Isikara argue that capitalism is systematically unable to  address the great challenge of climate change. What do they propose as a broad  means of addressing this looming disaster?


  1. (Article 6. 6) Two possible explanations for disparities in environmental condi- tions along lines of income or race are “selection”and “move-in.“Selection means that polluting industries make decisions to locate in predominantly low- income or non-white areas. Move-in” means that people with fewer resources are more likely to move into areas where environmental quality is lower. What  you think of these two explanations? Would your views of environmental  injustice ” differ depending on which factor is more important?


  1. (Article 7. 5) What kind of correlation appears in the data between the propor- tion of workers engaged in social control relative to internal economic inequality? What could account for this correlation?


  1. (Article 8. 6) It is common for people to view racial disparities in society( like job discrimination or racial profiling) as a consequence of racial biases. Wicks-Lim argues that biases are a consequence of racial disparities. Explain


  1. (Article 8. 7) Are policies aimed at boosting the growth of productivity a good way to address poverty? / hy would someone think so? What evidence does John Miller present to think they are not


6.10. (Article 8. 8) Consider the following quotation  I think we’ve been through a period where too many people have been  given to understand that if they have a problem, it’s the government’s  job to cope with it… . They’re casting their problem on society. And, you  know, there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and  women, and there are families. – British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, talking to Womans Oun  magazine, October 31, 1987  After reading Alperovitz and Daly’s article TThe Undeserving Rich, how do you  think the authors would respond to Thatcher? How would you respond?