edit Inventory.cpp


The key abstractions employed in this program are Inventory, Item, and ItemStack. Complete ADT implementations have been provided for the latter two.

The Inventory class is partially implemented. Your task is to complete the Inventory ADT. The code provided will not run correctly until you complete all the following methods:

  1. Copy Constructor
  2. Destructor
  3. Assignment Operator
    • Note this is already provided and complete. Refer to our discussions of the copy-and-swap method.
    • Once you have completed the Copy Constructor and Destructor, you are done with the Big-3.
  4. Inventory::isFull – refer to documentation in Inventory.h.
  5. Inventory::findMatchingItemStackNode – refer to documentation in Inventory.h.
  6. Inventory::mergeStacks – refer to documentation in Inventory.h.
  7. Inventory::addItemStackNoCheck – refer to documentation in Inventory.h.

The partial implementation provided assumes that each Inventory will keep track of items in a linked list. You must not change this choice of data structure unless you want a zero.