
Individualized Family Service Plan Development (IFSP) (25 points-small group project)
This project is an in-class group activity. Students will be given a case study about a family with a child who is eligible to receive early intervention services.
Part1: Students will complete a blank IFSP form with all relevant information. Students are required to determine the familys resources, priorities, and concerns and then generate longterm outcomes (functional goals) and short-term goals for the IFSP.
Based on the information students have about the family, they will list their resources,
priorities, and concerns related to enhancing the childs development. (5 points)
Students will write two long-term outcomes (functional goals) for the child and family.
This is a statement of what the family would like to see happen as a result of early
intervention services. The outcomes may be developmental goals for the child or be
related to the familys ability to enhance the childs development. The outcome must be functionally stated, in family terms and measurable. (5 points)
For each long-term outcome, students will write three short-term goals. Short-term goals are building blocks that lead to the achievement of the long-term outcome. These goals should be written from the perspective of what the child should be able to accomplish, should represent an end result, and should be functional and measurable. (8 points)

Part 2: Students will collaboratively develop an intervention activity / strategy to support an IFSP goal to implement in the case study childs natural environment. (7 points)
a. What IFSP goal is addressed?
b. Describe the activity / intervention
c. Describe how natural learning opportunities or family routines are used to support
the intervention activity 
d. Describe how you know the child or family made progress.