Overview: In this individual assignment you will be reviewing your previous journal entries and use the rubric to develop an “Individual Professional Development Plan.” Most Ohio school districts require teachers to complete an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP). If you have an IPDP, or if you have a form your district requires you to use, you may utilize this template; however, please be sure that all the elements required for this assignment are included; specifically step three.
Step One: Review your journal entries and identify two to three criteria under the five broad rubric areas that you would personally like to address in an “Individual Professional Development Plan.”
Step Two: Utilizing the Planning Template [Word Doc], create Goals for yourself that reflect your desire to improve your competencies in the areas identified in Step One.
Step Three: Review the Ohio Standards for Educators and note on the template which standard area and element connects with your goal.
Step Four: Complete the Planning Template [Word Doc] by identifying specific professional development opportunities you could engage in that would help you meet your individual improvement goals
Step Five: Write a one – three page analysis of your professional development plan. Use the readings from the course to support your explanation for your professional development plan and explain how this plan will help you to move up on the F.I.T. rubric. Also, explain how you might use this professional development to reach the highest levels of the rubric and begin to become a leader in the profession.
If you would like an example, you may look at the Sample Form below.
Sample IPDP Form [PDF]
Please read the Evaluation Rubric for the Benchmark Assignment [PDF].