
All the 8 substantive posts should be a minimum of 50 words with one peer reviewed or scholarly reference less than 5 years.


Post 1:

Bias is a word that captures our limited view of a situation, topic, or experience. The following short video is about negativity bias.

For an optional participation post, watch the video and answer at least three of the following questions (for substantive credit).

  1. Do you think negativity bias affects you?
  2. What contributes to negativity bias (according to the video and according to what you know)?
  3. What is the value of avoiding negativity bias?
  4. How can we avoid negativity bias?
  5. How does negativity bias impact websites, both our perceptions of websites and creating content for websites?



Post 2:

I feel it affects me. I always focus on the negative much more than the positive things. I collect cards and the first thing I look for is if something is wrong with them.

  1. I don’t think it’s evolution. I think it’s mostly just how the world works. People are always striving to do better in the world, and it is competition when it comes to working for some people. I think that some people don’t suffer from a negativity bias.
  2. Negativity bias is a funny way to put this. So, to avoid negativity bias does one need to have positivity bias? I just don’t think it’s possible to “avoid” negativity bias, I think people should just attempt to look at the positives AND the negatives.
  3. Again, it is impossible to avoid negativity bias. We need to open ourselves up to finding the positives and seeing the positive events more clearly.
  4. The question is… is bias itself a negative thing in general? I look at news websites like yahoo as biased websites that spread misinformation and propaganda. Negativity bias is an interesting phrase that I think basically is focused on our personal outlook of positive and negative judgments, both of which we have of things (for example, when someone looks in the mirror and says their hair is bad) and what we think of other judgments on us (for example when someone tells us that our choices are wrong). it’s either a biased website or it isn’t.

Post 3:

After reviewing the site, I have concluded that it is indeed biased. The first thing that I noticed were the statements that were in first person and majority of the statements were based off opinions versus facts. Here are three example I found that can back my claim.

  1. Prescribing Ritalin for something that is not a “disease” does not, in my estimation, constitute a legitimate practice of medicine. If ADHD is not a disease, treating it medically constitutes a fraud.
  2. “If your child had diabetes,” the doctors taunt, for example, “you’d give him insulin, wouldn’t you?” (Very manipulative, could be used to persuade someone into their biased opinion.)
  3. ADHD: Nothing but a Sham.

These are all bias claims that are not backed by any sort of peer-reviewed article or study. These are all simply opinions that can be very powerful to someone who is naive and desperate for answers. Making such claims can be extremely hurtful and may persuade someone into making the wrong choice for their child. I don’t belive it to be true or honest, for the simple fact that it seems to be based off of opinion and no real research to back its claims. The author of the site most certainly has an agenda and is even pushing the sale of their book at the bottom of the site. I may address the bias information by pointing out the lack of evidence for the claims being made.



Post 4:

Good evening after watching the video on negative bias in our lives I believe it absolutely affects my life. I believe this in regard to raising my kids, everyone overlooks all the wonderful things they have done, and they focus on the one really bad mistake they made. It caused me to think maybe I didn’t parent them correctly, but who has a handbook, no one.

People contribute to negative bias from family to work to school. It said for every 1 negative bias you need 3 positives to make up for that and in relationships it’s more like 5:1, that is huge in relationships. How can we avoid negative bias is a tough one, I am not sure if the question is in regard to writing which I would say to stick to facts, stay on topic and site sources? If the question was geared towards life in general, I think that is tough because it is everywhere so learning how to control how we react to a situation is crucial. For instance, I can get a daycare inspection and in that inspection of 100 things I could get 5 out of compliance. I used to get so down for the 5 versus the 95 I got right so I had to change how I reacted.

Negativity bias on websites would affect your business in a negative way because if I am reading it and it sounds so negative, I am certainly not going to value what you’re talking about, I will leave the page and not return.