1(first page).    Electronic Health Records provide both benefits and drawbacks. Create a Pros versus Cons list and include at least 4 items for each list. Next to each item, provide a brief rationale as to why you selected to include it on the respective list.

Use no less than TWO scholarly sources for support

2(second page).    Refer to the Stage 3 objectives for Meaningful Use. Select two objectives to research further. In your own words, provide a brief discussion as to how the objective may impact your role as an Advanced Practice Nurse in clinical practice. 

Use no less than TWO scholarly sources for support

Stage 3 Meaningful Use objectives:
2 objectives:
    Provide patients with electronic access to their health information and patient-specific education
    Use health information exchange to support care transitions and referrals

Background Info on Meaningful Use and the HITECH Act
Meeting the criteria for meaningful use (MU) of an EHR is one of the methods of Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement associated with the HITECH Act. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) serves as the primary regulator, with each individual state dictating the Medicaid operations within its jurisdiction (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, 2009). This statute identifies the eligible providers, including APNs, for the Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement structure. Such prescriptive language does not recognize, embrace, or support the interprofessional team and the critical and collaborative work completed by such an entity to improve access, improve health care, and reduce costs.
The third and final stage of MU is currently underway and entails a single set of criteria focused on the advanced use of EHR systems. CMS decided to move away from the staged approach and will require all providers (including first-time participants) to satisfy the objectives and measures of Stage 3 by 2018. Beginning in 2019, the MU program will transition into a new merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) program established by the Medicare Access and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) Reauthorization Act. The Stage 3 requirements and objectives will be maintained