Electronic presentation on black culture


You must complete an Electronic Presentation on Black Culture.  You will select and present on the significances of two works of black culture. The first work you select must be a work of African-American literature, poetry, music, fashion, dance, or some other cultural art form that was created and/or popularized by an African American during the time periods of the Harlem and Chicago Renaissances (1917-1949).  Your second work of black culture must have been created and/or popularized by a black person (but not necessarily an African American) within YOUR lifetime.  For example, if you were born in 1999, your second cultural selection needs to have been created by a black person between 1999 and the present.  The two works you select to present do not have to share a cultural form (i.e. one work can be a poem and the other can be a song; one work can be a painting and the other can be a fashion trend).  Nor do the two works have to share a particular theme.  You may choose to do a compare-and-contrast type presentation.  But, you do not have to.  In presenting the works, you will need to provide background information on your chosen works (i.e. when where the works created; who created them or made them famous; and, what impact did the works have on the cultural landscape when and since they first appeared?).  You will also have to briefly explain why you made those particular selections, and explain what you think each work tells people about the ways in which African-American/Black culture and experiences remained congruent and/or changed from the eras of the Harlem and Chicago Renaissances to the modern era.  Moreover, your Electronic Presentation on Black Culture must be creative in both style and substance. 

Your Electronic Presentation should have a run time of 7-10 minutes.  And, it must contain both audio and visual components.  When delivering your Electronic Presentation, you will serve as the professor for the class.  So, give a Presentation that your temporary students (i.e. your classmates and Dr. Brown) will find to be both impressive and informative.  The more creative, interesting, organized, and informative your Presentation is, the higher your grade will be.  If your Presentation is disorganized, bland, lacks imagination, or does little more than echo information and ideas that have already been presented through the course texts, media, and PowerPoint lectures, you should not expect to earn a stellar grade on it.  Your presentation should add information, details, and/or perspectives that we did not cover in class.   As such, I strongly recommend that you research and select cultural works that we did not discuss in class.  In other words, avoid selecting a poem by Langston Hughes or a song we covered in class.  Be more creative.  Do more research.  And, you should use and cite outside sources for the Electronic Presentation.  

(See page 15 for the Electronic Presentation on Black Culture Grading Rubric.)  You will submit your Electronic Presentation on Black Culture in a designated link within the Discussion Board.  Moreover, you must view and post constructive feedback on at least two of your classmates submitted presentations.   Your Electronic Presentation on Black Culture will comprise 25 points of your final grade.

Rubric for the Electronic Presentation on African-American Culture




Below Average

Substance of the Electronic Presentation on Black Culture

(16 pts.)

The cultural selections fall within the time periods denoted in the assignment description.  The presentation provides meaningful background information that adds to the information that was presented in the class readings and discussions, and that lets viewers know why the chosen works are significant in to the cultural history of African-Americans.  The presentation explains why the works were chosen.  It features actual examples of the chosen works (i.e. if the presenter chose to present a particular song, he/she provides an actual clip of that song being performed or performs it him/herself).

(16-14.4 pts.)

The works fall into the required time periods.  There is some information about why the works are significant.  But, said information could be more detailed and/or extensive in that it adds only slightly to the information presented in the assigned readings or class discussions/media presentations.  The presentation explains why the works were chosen.  And, there is a detailed example of each chosen work.

(14.3-12.8 pts.)

The works fall within the required time periods.  But, the presentation provides little background information that was not presented in the class sources.  The presentation explains why the works were chosen.

(12.7-11.2 pts.)

The works do not fall within the required time periods. And/Or, the presentation provides little background information.  It lacks a full example of the works.  And/or, it may not explain why the works were chosen.

(11.1-0 pts.)

Style of the Electronic Presentation on Black Culture

(8 pts.)

The presentation is so well organized that it only takes viewers between 7-10 minutes to view it. The presentation includes both oral and visual media components.  It utilizes PowerPoint, digital video, YouTube clip, podcast, a skit, or some other medium that helps the presentation display a high level of creativity.  The presentation engages the viewers by prompting them to ponder questions or ideas.  Moreover, the Electronic Presentation is properly attached within the Discussion Board assignment link by the deadline.

(8-7.2 pts.)

The presentation is organized and lasts 7-10 minutes.  It includes visual and oral components.  But, they could have been enhanced or more effectively utilized.  It may not prompt the viewers to ponder questions or ideas.  Moreover, the Electronic Presentation is properly attached within the Discussion Board assignment link by the deadline.

(7.1-6.4 pts.)

The presentation is too short or too long.  It has scarce or insignificant audio and/or visual aides.  But, the presentation does engage viewers.  Moreover, the electronic component to the presentation was properly attached to the assignment link and submitted by the assignment deadline.

(6.3-5.6 pts.)

The presentation is too long or too short.  It does not feature audio or visual aides.  And/or, it does not engage the class.  However, the electronic component to the presentation was not properly attached to the assignment link and submitted by the assignment deadline.

(5.5-0 pts.)

Feedback for Classmates

(1 pt.)

The student offers brief but substantive replies to the presentations of at least two of his/her classmates.  The replies do more than simply state something like I liked your presentation.  Instead, the replies state the students impressions of the specific merits and limitations of his/her classmates presentations.

(1 pts.)

The student offers only one (or fewer) reply to the presentations of his/her classmates.  Or, the reply is brief but not substantive.

(.5-0 pts.)