Emotional intelligence

Conduct searches in the Library for journal articles that address the topics of emotional intelligence (EI) and leadership. Then, go to the internet and conduct a search for free emotional intelligence test.
After completing your EI test, answer the following questions:
1. How does EI differ from traditional conceptions of intelligence?
2. After completing the emotional intelligence test, do you think that emotional intelligence can be learned? Do you see value in focusing on working to increase your emotional intelligence? Why or why not? (To answer this question, apply the findings from your EI self-evaluation.)
3. Is there a relationship between EI and leadership, between EI and motivation? How would you define those relationships?
4. Have you worked for a manager that you think exhibited a high degree of EI? Conversely, have you worked for a manager that exhibited a low level of EI? What was the impact of this manager(s) on your own motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction? Do you think the managers EI was beneficial when interacting with employees from culturally diverse backgrounds? Provide specific examples to explain the effects on cultural diversity in the workplace.

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