Emotions with a concentration on anxiety. Such as what experiences act by altering anxiety in the brain or how it affects emotions and the consequences.

I’m interested in learning more about emotions with a concentration on anxiety. Such as what experiences act by altering anxiety in the brain or how it affects emotions and the consequences.

Here are the three references I selected and that were approved by the professor:

Sun, Miao-Kun & Alkon, Daniel L. (2014). Stress: Perspectives on its impact on cognition and pharmacological treatment. Behavioural Pharmacology, 25(5-6), 410-424. Retrieved from http://ovidsp.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&PAGE=reference&D=psyc11&NEWS=N&AN=2014-32673-008.

Zhuo M. Neural Mechanisms Underlying Anxiety-Chronic Pain Interactions. Trends Neurosci. 2016 Mar;39(3):136-145. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2016.01.006. Epub 2016 Feb 12. PMID: 26878750.

Giacobbe, P., & Flint, A. (2018). Diagnosis and Management of Anxiety Disorders. Continuum (Minneapolis, Minn.), 24(3, BEHAVIORAL NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY), 893919. https://doi.org/10.1212/CON.0000000000000607 

My professor approved the three references I have to use for this paper.

I have attached the final paper guideline and the sources that must be used for the essay.

The paper must be written in academic APA style, no less than 6, no more than 8 pages + a separate reference page; doubles spaced, point 12; APA Style (you don’t need the abstract and the first-page title.)

This paper is a review of the literature with my critical comments.

I must define and clearly state the topic of my paper.

Summarize and critically review peer-reviewed journal articles (attached).

Write clearly in a professional and dramatically competent style (it doesn’t have to sound wordy or hard to read. Must sound genuine and clear.)

USE APA style for references in the body of the paper and in the reference list.

Provide full APA-style reference to all sources.

Discuss the articles you review in your own words without excessive direct quotations (all these instructions come from the final paper guideline I have attached.)

I think this is the APA citation for the articles; please double-check for accuracy.

Sun, Miao-Kun & Alkon, Daniel L. (2014). Stress: Perspectives on its impact on cognition and pharmacological treatment. Behavioural Pharmacology, 25(5-6), 410-424. Retrieved from http://ovidsp.ovid.com/ovidweb.cgi?T=JS&PAGE=reference&D=psyc11&NEWS=N&AN=2014-32673-008. (good source to use)

Zhuo M. Neural Mechanisms Underlying Anxiety-Chronic Pain Interactions. Trends Neurosci. 2016 Mar;39(3):136-145. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2016.01.006. Epub 2016 Feb 12. PMID: 26878750. (good source to use) 

Giacobbe, P., & Flint, A. (2018). Diagnosis and Management of Anxiety Disorders. Continuum (Minneapolis, Minn.), 24(3, BEHAVIORAL NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY), 893919. https://doi.org/10.1212/CON.0000000000000607