Endorsement Campaign My Athlete is Tom Brady

The purpose of this assignment is to assess the effectiveness of an endorsement campaign.

Sports  endorsements serve as a popular and effective means of promoting  products and services to a sport’s particular fan base. When striking  endorsement deals, brands will often have an athlete spokesperson wear  their apparel, use their products, and speak about the brand either  during in-person appearances or via social media posts. Athletes who  portray trustworthy reputations develop clout with their consumer market  in endorsing products of equal trustworthiness, to the point that some  professional athletes earn more from their endorsement deals than they  do from playing their chosen sport. As a result, the endorsement is  mutually beneficial for both the company and the athlete.

When  assessing the effectiveness of an endorsement deal, consider the image  that the athlete conveys. What are the athlete’s accomplishments? Is the  endorser a high achiever? How credible and well known is the athlete?  Is the athlete likeable, popular, and admired? Is the athlete  recognizable? Is the athlete’s image congruent with that of the target  market’s demographic?


For  this assignment, choose a professional athlete to research and use the  following outline to familiarize yourself with the athlete’s endorsement  history. Athlete is TOM BRADY

  1. Name:
  2. Athlete:
  3. Net worth:
  4. Sport and team:
  5. Where is the athlete from?
  6. Where does the athlete live?
  7. General background of the athlete:
  8. What type of public persona does the athlete have?
  9. What endorsement deals has the athlete previously had?
  10. Any public falling out from previous endorsement deals:
  11. Largest deal the athlete has signed:
  12. Current endorsement deal:
  13. Terms (monetary and otherwise) of the endorsement agreement:


In  a paper of 500-750 words, summarize your findings and discuss the  athlete’s current endorsement. Include the following in your response:

  1. Why  did this company choose this particular athlete to endorse its product?  What about the athlete aligns with the overall message of the brand?  Why and how does this athlete best reach the brand’s target demographic?
  2. Analyze the marketing strategies of the endorsement campaign. In your opinion, are the strategies successful? Why or why not?
  3. What  might be some of the marketing challenges associated with endorsing  this athlete? What might be some of the long-term effects of this  endorsement deal on the brand?
  4. Present your opinion about a  potential endorsement partnership that you believe would be successful  for both the athlete and a different brand, and then explain your  position. Why would this be a good match, and how would it be mutually  beneficial for both parties?