Engagement – Civic and Citizen- Driven Public Policy


Directions (U9): Using the required, academic readings, and supplemental academic research, please address the following while adhering to the Discussion Board Rubric:

  • Select a specific example of public policy from one      of the following fields:
    • Economic policy
      • An example of economic policy is U.S. budget        deficit spending.
    • Education policy
      • An example of education policy are the        implementation of charter schools.
    • Environmental policy
      • An example of environmental policy is the Clean        Air Act.
    • Foreign policy
      • An example of foreign policy is the interplay        between civil liberties and the Patriot Act.
    • Healthcare policy
      • An example of healthcare policy is the Affordable        Care Act (Obamacare)
    • Welfare policy
      • An example of welfare policy is Temporary        Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
  • Select an interest group that advocates public      policy change within your example.
    • Explain the interest groups mission statement or       policy of purpose.
    • Explain the funding of the interest group.
    • Evaluate the interest groups public policy       engagement.
      • Provide an example of how this interest group        affected public policy?
    • Would you join and actively participate within this       organization? Why or why not?