English 1c


Argument Essay 1

Are smart phones dominating our lives in negative ways and becoming an addiction, or do their positive uses enrich our lives and outweigh their shortcomings?


Find four articles on this subject, two making the case against smart phones and two making the case for them. Choose only from reputable websites.


Based on your experience and what youve read in those sources, make a list of reasons for and against smart phones, then decide where you stand on the issue and formulate your thesis statement.

Writing the essay

In a well-organized essay discuss this issue and support your claims with quotes and information from your sources. Devote a good part of your paper to presenting the opposite point of view and respond to it. Avoid fallacies and emotional or vulgar language.

The paper must be 3 -4 pages long, MLA style, double spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font. Include in-text citations and a Works Cited page with the corresponding references you used.

Introduction: (hooks + thesis statement)

Claim 1

Claim 2

Claim 3

Counter claim 1

Counter claim 2

Counter claim 3

Conclusion: Your judgment, final thoughts etc.