
  part 1

Choose two of the words from the list below, and do the following:

-Add the definition of the word

-Quote the sentence/passage where this word can be found in Becks text




https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/03/this-article-wont-change-your-mind/519093/ this the text for part 1

part 2



There are some other references made in this text – “Rage against the Machine” for example – that cannot be defined using a dictionary. Your task in this homework assignment is to pick out one such cultural reference and provide an explanation for it. If you have some knowledge of this reference, give an explanation. If not, perform a quick Google search to help you understand. Once you define the reference, explain its meaning in the context of Beck’s text.  



Choose any cultural reference made in Julie Becks article that might be challenging to other readers (or even that you find challenging yourself) and add the reference in alphabetically. (Add spaces where needed.) There are a few references in there that you can take, but once a students name is attached to it, it is taken, and you will need to choose something else.


Provide an explanation of this reference and the way it is used within Becks text. Your explanation can include your own personal knowledge and/or information you find online.


[Hillary Clinton ]  Though both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were disliked by members of their own partieswith a Never Trump movement blooming within the Republican Partyultimately most people voted along party lines 

We had a year of watching with interest as Republicans struggled to resolve this. Some resolved it by: Never Trump but never Hillary, either. Others resolved it by saying, Im going to hold my nose and vote for him because hes going to do the things that Republicans do in office.