
Where most of the work in this course requires students to use their analytical brains, the Experiential Learning Report asks students to be reflective. Looking back over the questions asked about the good life in Foundations 201, students will report on a new experience that they had during the semester. Students should summarize the experience, share any interesting observations or feelings from the experience, and then connect the experience to their studies in the course. The final paper should be 800-1000 words

The Experiential Learning Report is asking you to reflect on the questions we have been asking this semester. Is the good life found in…

You will reflect on the question of the good life by having a new experience:

Listen to a new genre of music
Watch a new genre of movie
Try cooking a new recipe
Play a new game
Try a new art practice like drawing or painting
Try learning a new language with an app like Duolingo
Try a new fitness practice like yoga or bicycling
This is just a short list. I’m open to other experiences as well! The report, then, is just a short paper, 800-1000 words (about 4 pages), and I have provided a template for you on how to structure it here. You can easily organize your report in five paragraphs, responding to each of the sub points as listed. If you cover all of this, your report will be thorough.

Make sure you use correct academic formatting, and that you build your essay from strong paragraphs as we have practiced. However, where this assignment differs from the previous ones is that I want to hear your opinion. Tell me your thoughts and feelings, share your ideas, demonstrate your creativity. This assignment is all about you!

PROMPT we used this class:


https://arocha.ca/(the video in the website and titled as changing lives)

