English Assignment


English 1302: Essay #1

Rethinking Norms

The purpose of this essay is to explore how the Orenstein article on raising young men sheds insight into Boyle’s “Greasy Lake.”

You will embed quotations from both:

 T.C. Boyle, ” (its in the upload box)

 Peggy Orenstein, ” (its in the upload box)


Examine how one particular incident, one particular character, or one specific relationship between two characters in “Greasy Lake” proves or disproves what is stated in Orenstein’s article. 

You may assume that the audience of your paper is a group of people familiar with these selections, so dont summarize the plot. Devote your paper instead to in-depth analysis of the story and the article.

The structure of your paper should follow standard, rhetorical formula, with an introduction that includes the clear, specific, debatable thesis of your paper, the body that supports your thesis (and contains embedded quotations from the story for support), and a conclusion that ties together your ideas.

 Specific criteria of this paper:

  •  Include a clear, cogent thesis and well-developed body paragraphs that support that thesis
  • Embed quotations from both the story and the article to prove your interpretation of the story and of the historical document valid
  • Type your essay in MLA format with a Works Cited page
  • Paper should be about three pages in length.
  • On your Works Cited page, there must at least two entries:
    • Short story citation
    • Article citation


Gender Norms EssayGender Norms EssayCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a learning outcomeIntroduction sets up the essay topic, includes a specific and debatable thesis statement, and a compelling conclusion.20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEssay examines how the Orenstein article on raising young men sheds insight into Boyle’s “Greasy Lake.”25 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEssay is typed in MLA format, is 3 pages in length, and cited correctly in-text and on the Works Cited page.20 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEssay is grammatically and mechanically correct, typed in academic voice with no personal pronoun references.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeEssay correctly and adequately includes embedded quotations to support observations. Essay includes signal phrases and follows through on quotations.10 pts
Total points: 100

Note : Work cited should be in different page and including it should be 3 pages