English Composition Outline

Week 3 Milestone: OutlineWriting Assignment Weight: 12.5%
Learning Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6DIRECTIONSThis week, you will construct a full outline for your paper including citations and references. First, read “Outlining” in The Norton Field Guide pp. 335-337 and The Little Seagull Handbook W-3 under “Organizing and Drafting.” You may also review the sample outline below. You can construct it yourself or use the template downloadable   Click   to review an annotated example student submission using the downloadable template.Complete your own outline for this week’s writing assignment.

I.  Introduction (Your full intro, revised based on the feedback from the Week 3 Discussion Board)

A.  Opening sentence or hook

B.  Explanatory sentence about topic/problem

C.  Thesis statement

II.  Supporting Paragraph 1:

A.  Topic Sentence: What is the first main point or reason of this paragraph

B.   Source #1: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

C.   Explain how this evidence supports your point. Include some APA in-text citations, i.e. (Ford, 2020, p. 1).

Transitional Phrase

III.  Supporting Paragraph 2:

A.  Topic Sentence:What is the first main point or reason of this paragraph

B.   Source #2: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

C.   Explain how this evidence supports your point. Include some APA in-text citations, i.e. (CDC, 2020, p. 25).

Transitional Phrase

IV.  Supporting Paragraph 3:

A.  Topic Sentence:What is the first main point or reason of this paragraph

B.   Source #3: What evidence have you found that supports your point?

C.   Explain how this evidence supports your point. Include some APA in-text citations, i.e. (Rousseau et al., 2020, para. 29).

Transitional Phrase

V.  Opposing Point Paragraph 4

A.  What is the first counterargument? Identify a source that presents this objection and cite it, i.e. (Smith & Ruiz, 2019, para. 3).

B.  How do you respond to or rebut the counterargument described above? You may use a source to refute this opposing point as well.

VI.  Conclusion Paragraph

A.  Note the most important point you are making

B.  Reiterate your thesis statement. (Be sure to state your thesis statement differently than you did in the introduction paragraph.)

C.  Reflective sentence or call to action

VII.   References (at least two. Your final paper needs at least four, with three or more coming from the databases.)

Your outline should include the following elements:

  • A fully written introduction (revised from the Week 3 Discussion)
  • A thesis that ends your introduction (revised from Week 2’s assignment and the Week 3 Discussion)
  • Three body paragraphs supporting your point
  • One body paragraph raising an objection and countering it
  • Quotations and citations from two academic journal sources from Keiser’s Library (from Week 2); 
    • Remember, your final paper requires the use of a total of four sources
  • Transitional Phrases are required.  
    • Click for a YouTube video discussion of transitional phrases.
    • Or, click for a Purdue OWL discussion of transitional phrases.
  • Comments to be included in your conclusion 
  • Two or more APA formatted references in your refeference list


  •  Follow the outline format provided
  • Include APA formatted citations (Last name, YEAR, p. ___ or para. ___)
  • Include APA formatted references in a clear reference list
  • Submit your outline in the assignment area by Sunday, 11:59 PM EST