English discussion


For this discussion, we will consider how persuasion is part of everyday life. Whether it is convincing a friend or loved one to join in an activity, considering a major purchase, or proving to an employer that an idea is worthy of consideration, persuasion happens all the time. Keep in mind that this does not have to be a situation where there was a full-blown argumentit can be something as simple as convincing a friend to go to a specific restaurant for lunch or join a group. It does not have to be a situation where you “won” the other person over either; perhaps your persuasion was unsuccessful.

When you have come up with the moment, write  two fully developed paragraphs describing the situation.

In the first paragraph, describe the moment of persuasion with enough detail that the reader can envision the situation.

In the second paragraph, explain why you felt like that moment of persuasion was either successful or unsuccessful. What strategies or techniques did you use to try to get the person to agree with you?

(minimum 2 paragraphs, 250+ words)