English Paper



Your paper is required to have an introduction paragraph that will include a thesis sentence and a conclusion paragraph that helps provide closure. Additionally, your body paragraphs will be expected to address the following ideas:

  • Describe your personal ethos.
    • Use your Week 2 Personal-Professional Narrative Essay as a guide.
  • Survey the development of your writing skills over the last five weeks.
    • Refer to your discussion board work, as well as any assessments you made in your Week 3 paper.
    • Be sure to describe how your writing skills stand now, listing particular strengths as well as challenges you still face.
  • Investigate how the personal ethos you articulated in the Week 2 paper helped you develop in this class.
    • Reference specific traits or qualities that fueled specific growth opportunities.
  • Discuss your plan for meeting the challenge of developing your writing skills to be better prepared for applications in your field.
    • Reference your research from the Week 3 assignment paper about what types of writing you may be asked to do in the future.
  • Produce a clear vision of where you will be in five years and how your experience and skills have shaped that development.
  • Refer to your unique experiences and specific skills to help chart this path forward.

The Future Opportunities Essay,

  • Must be five to seven pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to as outlined in the Writing Centers
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper in bold font
      • Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
    • Students name
    • Name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus)
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Due date
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the resource for additional guidance.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
    • For assistance on writing as well as , refer to the Writing Center resources.
  • Must use at least three credible sources in addition to the course text.
    • The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
    • To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Centers
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the resource in the Writing Center for specifications.