ENL 1962 Course Section Information


To submit the   assignment

The   assignment is due Week 13 by December 4 at 12 noon, and as outlined in the   ENL 1962 Course Section Information, you must submit through   BrightSpace/TurnItIn in the Assignments section.

Note    all writing must be original and invented by you; do not use the internet   or any outside sources when writing the assignment.

     Please submit both   parts of the assignment as a single Word .


Part One /15  points

Compose 15 complete compound sentences   with the conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs provided   below.  Punctuate as needed and please underline the   conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs.

1.      however

2.      but

3.      therefore

4.      otherwise

5.      and

6.      meanwhile

7.      or

8.      then

9.      thus

10.  as a result

11.  likewise

12.  furthermore

13.  moreover

14.  on the other hand

15.  indeed


Part Two /10 points   (2 points each)

Use your imagination   to complete the sentences explained below using the provided. Punctuate as needed and   please underline the conjunction.

1. A sentence using nor to   connect two independent clauses

2. A sentence with one dependent clause and one   independent clause and although in the middle of the   sentence

3. A sentence with one dependent clause and one   independent clause and when at the beginning of the   sentence

4. A sentence with one dependent clause and one   independent clause and until in the middle of the   sentence

5. A sentence with one dependent clause and one   independent clause and if at the beginning of the   sentence