Please answer questions #1-3 in one full paragraph each, and question #4 in 2-3 paragraphs.
1. Using at least two different readings, explain how food justice is as much about capitalism as it is about community.
2. Using specific examples from Karyn Pilgrim’s essay, explain how consumption practices are gendered.
3. Using specific examples from Vandana Shiva’s chapter, explain bio nullius, and how this works to ruin farmers’ lives and livelihoods throughout the world.
4. How is food justice a feminist issue? How is food injustice an aspect of settler colonialism? Of racial capitalism? How is food justice also a part of disability justice and queer world-making? You can either choose to touch on all of these topics, or write about one of the topics in more depth.
I have uploaded all the readings that you need to answer questions #1-3. Question #4 you do not need to necessarily use the readings, but you can use any information on Environmental Justice in general!