ESB Almost every person I have ever met at some point has thought about having their own business, also others have dreams about being a boss. However as we have seen within this course, there is a lo


Almost every person I have ever met at some point has thought about having their own business, also others have dreams about being a boss. However as we have seen within this course, there is a lot behind owning a business, managing it, growing it. Please think about a time that you or someone that you know has thought about having a business. It does not matter if its a recent thing or a long time ago. The important thing is that you need to identify the following: 

  • Do a SWOT analysis for the person’s idea (or your idea)
  • Define the Business Model and target market
  • Do an analysis of the person (entrepreneur’s) personality in relation to commitment, and all the qualities that may be key to take one’s ideas to reality.
  • With this information, do a recommendation for this idea from the view point of a “Small Business Consultant” stating first steps to follow and value proposition of your services to coach someone through grounding their ideas.

Use APA Citation. Minimum 5 pages (12 point, double space)