
Chapter III: The Great Vision (actually, please start two pages earlier, the final section of Chapter II that starts Black Elk Continues:) Note: Read this chapter for a good overview; no need to focus on details, unless, of course, you are charmed by them

Chapter XIII: The Compelling Fear

Chapter XIV: The Horse Dance

Chapter XV: The Dog Vision

XVI: The Heyoka Ceremony

XVII: The First Cure

Thought Questions: What is your community or communities? Would you define it/them by age group, ethnic or gender identity, political philosophy, class, workplace, neighborhood, or another way (you can have more than one, and it can be as simple as a community of my friends) Pick one. Do you have a performance idea or two that might reveal, challenge, and/or embrace your community or a personal vision that you would like to contribute to it?

Class topics: Shamanism; Vision quests and creativity; Originality; Performance as healing/therapy

Due: Weekly letter