
auto- attendant 

800 words


  • Business phone systems  
  • Auto- Attendant also known as IVR (interactive voice response)  
  • Understanding auto- attendant to help benefit your business 
  • Add Statistic  

SECTION 1: What is Auto- Attendant 

  • Auto- attendant is also known as digital receptionist (link) 
  • Auto- attendant or automated attendant a term commonly used in telephony to describe a voice menu system, which allows callers to be transferred to an extension without going through a telephone operator or receptionist.  
  • Essentially auto- attendant answers incoming calls and redirects to appropriate extensions  

SECTION 2: How Auto-Attendant Benefits your Business 

  • Auto- Attendant features: incoming call answer and greeting messages, call transfer and routing option prompts, general business information announcements, automated company directory lookup of users, system menu- repeat, exit, operator prompts.  
  • The necessity of auto- attendant for any business with incoming calls 
  • The best practices regarding auto-attendant: charting out the entire call flow, using professional voice talents, stage inbound callers to departments with on hold messaging features.  
  • Discuss costs 


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