essay 1500 words do not use outside source


Exam Number One

This exam requires you to write an essay in response to the prompt given below. The essay should be around 1,500 words (please use 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and double spacing). Your answer should rely primarily on the material covered in the lectures, supplemented by the assigned readings.  Do not do outside research for this essay or bring in outside sources, but you may (and are encouraged to) consult and quote any of the sources (readings and/or lectures) we have used in the course so far (though please avoid directly quoting the lectures). You should work on this exam individually; do not discuss the question or your answer with any student in the class.

Please submit your essay through the Canvas website before Thursday, February 18th at 11:59 pm. Late essays will be severely penalized with lost points. You must submit the essay through Canvas, and it will not be considered submitted until it is uploaded by you (technical difficulties will not excuse a late submission). For help with technical issues related to Canvas, you can use the  

Be sure you address all the questions asked in the prompt. Write your essay in response to the following prompt.

Exam Number One Prompt:

One of the key questions confronting scholars of global governance concerns the role that international institutions play in world politics. International Relations (IR) theory has developed a number of distinct theoretical approaches to explain the power of international institutions and the factors that shape their creation. Each of these approaches differs in its basic assumptions about world politics, the actors it views as most consequential for global governance, and the role that institutions play in governing the world.

Discuss how the three theoretical approaches of realismliberalism, and constructivism differ in their approach to explaining global governance.  Your answer should consist of three parts.

In part one (1), for each of the three theories listed above identify and explain the three assumptions underlying each approach and then discuss how each approach explains the role that international institutions play in global governance. How does each approach differ in its view of the power of international institutions and the functions they perform in managing global problems? 

In part two (2), discuss what these different perspectives suggest about the future trajectory of global governance and the durability of the current international order. What are the major challenges to world order envisioned by each of these three theories, and how would each theory suggest that they be managed?

In the third (3) and final section, discuss which of these three perspectives you find most convincing as a theory of global governance and why.







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