

For this assignment, assume you are the new Secretary of Homeland Security. You are drafting a Policy Document referred to as a White Paper for the Biden Administration to highlight the impact of open/closed borders in the age of COVID-19 on migration, asylum seekers, and economic recovery. In this white paper, consider the following to frame your paper. 

  • Define what YOU believe an OPEN vs CLOSED border means especially when dealing with those seeking asylum. Reminder that you can provide your opinion without using I think or something similar.
  • How do you believe illegal migrants can be treated humanely and with dignity/inclusion?
  • How does an open vs a closed border impact the United States economy?
  • What are your recommendations for the next 12-24 months on specific steps that the new administration needs to take? 

DO NOT answer this as if it is a four Question Exam. This is a WHITE PAPER and is a single narrative framed by these questions, but do NOT use first person (I statements).