
You arenow required to revise Essay #2. Here is the due dates and some guidelines forthis revision:

Draft 2 ofEssay #2 is due by 11:59 PM on Friday, February 5.Submit the second draft to the new Turnitin space that is open in FormalEssay Assignmentssee Essay 2,draft 2.


The second draft should be aminimum of 900 words long. Some of you may have already reached or passed thisnumber, but you still should be making changes to the essayadding, cutting,and changing informationso you still want to remember it. And, its a minimum, so you can write morethan this, but you should have a clear, strong thesis that limits the essayslength.


This is a thesis-driven essay;that is, it is an essay that is making a point about the issue you identify.You should not be merely reporting information in your sources, in other words.The second draft should therefore use the sources you have selected to developyour point of view.


Remember, you must use JiaTolentinos chapter The I in the Internet and at least one other text fromthe course reading material as a source. In addition to this, you are in theprocess of doing independent research for one of your essays that will becomethe Capstone paper in your portfolio. If it is this essay, you can begin tointegrate the additional sources you found into the next draft. Use no morethan 5 texts to help develop what you write in the essay. In addition to introducingand summarizing them, you should be integrating exact, quoted evidence from themto help you develop ideas in the paper that support your thesis. You want toboth tell and show ideas to the reader. And, you should include your ownexperience as evidence to help reason-through your ideas. On many first drafts,I suggested that this is a way to have more control of an essay going forward.  


Finally, the second draft shouldhave a Works Cited page that lists the sources cited in the paper. See theBasic MLA10 Things for ENG 12 handout and Sample Works Cited page inCourse Information and the Purdue OWL website for more information and exampleson MLA guidelines for in-text citations and for constructing a Works Citedpage.