
Analysis of Pollan & Maxfield

We have read and discussed Michael Pollans essay Escape from the Western Diet as well as Mary Maxfields Food as Thought: Resisting the Moralization of Eating, in which Maxfield directly responds to and takes on Pollans claims and overall approach to eating. Write an essay in response to the following prompts:

What is Maxfields problem with Pollans approach to food, government, and the food industry? Is she right or justified? Is she misleading about anything she says about Pollan? Explain.
Closely analyze some of Maxfields claims against Pollans claims. Which seem more supported by evidence? Which of Maxfields and Pollans claims could use more evidence?
In your analysis, you should use the assigned essay by David Katz as evidence, as well as additional, reliable evidence (scholarly source material only) to support your claims.

**Note: To find the publication information for your references page for the essays by Pollan and Maxfield, I will send a Canvas announcement with the relevant information.