essay due in 24 hours



Assignment  – Essay 2 Rough Draft


A successful assignment submission meets rubric criteria (Content, Organization, Style/Language, and Sentence Structure/Grammar) and follows the assignment prompt. Completing this assignment should enable you to brainstorm a topic,  organize an analysis essay, and compose an analysis essay. (MO 1,2,3)  

This is a rough draft. Complete the rough draft and the peer review before completing the final draft. Your essay must be in MLA format. There are no page length or word count requirements. Organize this essay like any typical essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Rough Draft Details & Prompt:

Your lesson, textbooks, and discussions prepared you to write in the following genres or rhetorical modes:

  • process analysis
  • causal analysis

You may use any, many, or all of these rhetorical modes. You may use something you already wrote for the forums which you have greatly improved or prepare something new.