Essay English literature

You will write four essay responses to the following prompts.

  Each short essay should be at least 250 words.  Each answer is worth 25 points.    

 1.Using at least three stories and appropriate characters, EITHER A OR B (NOT both:  A. Explain character, including the difference between 1) protagonist, antagonist and 2) dynamic/static  B. Write a comparison/contrast discussion of two characters, using the handout on character analysis, and conclude which character is more effectively written.    

 2. Use as many stories as necessary to explain point of view and narrator (what types of each).  Which do you think is most effective?        

3. Select a quote or passage from any story and write an explication of that passage and how it is significant to understanding the story. (This is similar to the journal ) 

       4. Discuss setting and how it can be significant in understanding a story. Use as many stories as are appropriate to illustrate the different ways that setting can be used.