Essay, PE teacher


MLA format

double spaced

2 full pages minimum-at least 500 words 

3 to  5 references used 

The report must provide the answers to these questions….

What do you want to do professionally?

When did you know that this career path was for you?

Why do you want to pursue this career?

What are the credentials needed i.e. degree(s) and/or certifications/licenses to become a professional in your chosen field and how are you going to obtain these credentials?

How long will it take to complete the credentials needed to obtain a career in your chosen field and why? 

What blockades do you foresee coming that may hinder or delay you in your pursuit of reaching your desired career. How are you going to overcome these issues to pursue your dream?

 How would use your career position to have a positive influence on the community?  

This MUST be in ESSAY format using no bullet points.