Essay thesis & Outline

Submit a thesis statement (1-2 sentence claim) with an outline, mind map, or list that demonstrates your plan for the essay. The plan needs to include three or more main points from your life and three corresponding quotes from the text as evidence.  Be sure to review the sample thesis templates below and the body paragraph format from the lecture before submitting. 

Choose ONE of these two templates or come up with your own. If you need review, go to the .

Living with the stereotype of _____________________, I (include reaction)  ________________ and stopped /started______________________.


As a (add an aspect of your identity), I dealt with many stereotypes regarding ___________________ that impacted ___________________. 

  • first main point about stereotype threat in my life & the example from Steele (i.e. actor vs observer or women in math, golf experiment) 
  • second main point about stereotype threat in my life and how it connects to Steele’s research (i.e. overt–not being able to swim)
  • third main point about stereotype threat in my life and how it connects to Steele’s research it is in the subconscious (i.e. fragment test). 

The more description and detail you can give in your outline, the better.