Essays which do not fulfill the requirements of the assignment will not earn passing grades. Essays do not fulfill the requirements of the assignment if they: Are incorrectly formatted,Are short of th

Essays which do not fulfill the requirements of the assignment will not earn passing grades. Essays do not fulfill the requirements of the assignment if they:

  • Are incorrectly formatted,
  • Are short of the minimum word count
  • Are not on one of the selected visuals in the Rhetorical Analysis of a Visual module
  • Do not analyze the chosen image in terms of Rhetoric (and, for example, summarize it instead)
  • Do not use supporting examples and at least make an attempt at citing them correctly
  • Do not include Work Cited Page–See citing from coursework.

Rhetorical Analysis of a Visual Medium NOTE: We are analyzing these visuals (see next module for images) in terms of rhetoric, not graphic design nor advertising. I am looking to see if you have mastered the concepts for this module. Compose an essay analyzing the effectiveness of the image where you discuss how the authors use ethos, pathos, logos and (if applicable) kairos to persuade their target audience This essay should three full pages (a minimum of 750 words—not including title, heading, or Work Cited). You should include the image you are analyzing on a separate page. This essay should conform to the expectations of academic writing including:

  • The use of formal standard American academic prose (which we discussed in the Essay Basics module)
  • Being typed, with 12 pt font, in Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, double-spaced, without the extra spaces between the paragraphs, and with the appropriate heading (Template can be found in the Essay Basics module)
  • Having an interesting and appropriate title.
  • a formal argumentative thesis statement (not implied)
    • Example: This image is effective in its persuasive argument because _________.
  • Fully developed paragraphs including an introduction and a conclusion.


  • Use an organizational strategy (Points from greatest to least or least to greatest works well. but also consider that the effectiveness depends upon the target audience.)
  • Use the standard vocabulary we have established in this class (connotation, denotation, ethos, pathos, etc.) State your opinion and validate (back it up) with evidence from the image.  Essays will be graded according to the standard BRCC English 102 Rubric.