
Discussion Overview

In this weeks Discussion, you will explore the major groups of ethical theories we call consequentialist (teleological) and nonconsequentialist (deontological) theories. There are multiple theories in each category that you will be able to address in this weeks discussion. These theories will serve as the foundation for all future discussions and assignments for the course. Having an opportunity to discuss these with your instructor and peers will help you understand how to use them to address ethical issues and questions. 

Choose ONE of the following to answer on this Discussion Board:

A: Consider the consequentialist theories of utilitarianism, altruism, and ethical egoism. Provide an example from your own experience of someone using each theory. Were they being ethical? Explain why or why not.


B: Which of the nonconsequential theories (Kantian Ethics, Divine Command Theory, Prima Facie Duties, etc.) do you find to be most logical? Discuss the merits of the theory and weaknesses.


  • HU245 Discussion Rubrics Units 1-9: 40 points