Ethical Dilemmas

 My intent is to provide each member of the community of this class the opportunity to share with the rest of the community their considered approach to dealing with ethical dilemmas that will come up through your career (MY CAREER IS CIVIL ENGINEER).

I invite you to consider the following phases as you ponder and articulate your approach.

  1. Secure your own Moral Clarity :
  2. If you sense there is the potential of a problem of violation ethical standards at work or your life at large refuse to ignore it. Investigate and determine the facts of the case.
  3. Always uphold paramount the standard that you became an engineer because you are dedicated securing the health safety and welfare of the public and the environment.
  4. You are loyal to ethical practices of your firm institution as well as your client.
  5. Know the Facts ensure that the information you are dealing with facts not opinions or distortions by:
  6. Get hard documented facts, cross check the information.
  7. Establish the competence and integrity of the source of the information

3.     Consider options

a. Investigating the diversity of potential actions you may take. Evaluate and discuss

b. considering the Long-term, short-term perspectives, repercussions?

c. finding out if any laws, codes, or fiduciary duties are violated by any of the alternatives

d. recognizes the potential impact of the options on you and your loved ones

e. locate a Moral Agent among your trusted acquaintance who can help you to assess any  and to your understanding of the problem and its consequences.            

f. Is there a Creative middle solution?

4.   Make an objective and moral decision 

a. Weigh all factors, recognize gray areas/compromises

b. In the process list the pros and cons of each of the alternative decision under consideration.

c. List how you will feel living with consequences of each alternative

Remember just because your deliberations followed the above phases, there is no guarantee the final decision will be easy.