Ethical Violations Homework I. Follow this link to view a clip of Milgram’s Obedience to Authority experiment: Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment – documentary ( Reflect & Resp

Ethical Violations Homework

I. Follow this link to view a clip of Milgram’s Obedience to Authority experiment: Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Experiment – documentary (

Reflect & Respond

After viewing the videos above, use the ethical guidelines below to identify five ethical violations from EACH study (10 total). Be sure to identify the ethical violation and explain why you think this violates the ethical guidelines. 

Currently, all research involving human subjects must conform to the following guidelines:

1. Protection from harm – human subjects must be protected from physical and bodily harm; great emotional distress or psychological harm; and legal harm to a person’s career, reputation, or income. Research should be terminated immediately if harm is likely.

2. Principle of voluntary consent – participation must be voluntary at all times (free to leave). Subjects should be told they are free to withdraw consent and discontinue participation at any time.

3. Informed consent – participants need to know what they are participating in and be informed of their rights. Coercion must be avoided at all costs. Subjects should be given a fair explanation of the purposes and procedures of the research. Subjects should be given a description of any reasonable risks or discomforts expected.

4. Deception is classified as a mild type of harm. However, legitimate research sometimes requires deception. For example, when you expect participants would modify their behavior or statements if they knew the purposes of the research. Deception is only permissible when strict guidelines are followed.In order to justify the use of deception, you:     1. must have clear and specific methodological purpose     2. must hold deception to a minimum and for short periods of time     3. must obtain informed consent without misrepresentation of risks     4. must debrief participants afterward

5. Privacy – when you conduct research you need to protect the privacy of participants.     1. Anonymity – participants remain anonymous. No one can trace information make to the participation.     2. Confidentiality – when anonymity is not possible, we must be diligent to protect a participant’s confidentiality.

6. Researchers should offer to answer any questions subjects may have during the research.

7. Results should be for the good of society and unattainable by other means.

Ethical Violations Homework

I. Follow this link to view a clip of Milgram’s Obedience to Authority experiment: Milgram Obedience to Authority

Using the ethical guidelines on the following page, identify and describe five ethical violations you were able to identify in the clip of Milgram’s Obedience to Authority experiment. Be sure to explain why each is considered to be an ethical violation. Remember, no one was actually physically harmed. The people being “shocked” are actors. 

II. Follow this link to view the movie “Quiet Rage:” Quiet Rage

Using the ethical guidelines on the following page, identify and describe five ethical violations you were able to identify in the film “Quiet Rage” that narrated the Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment. Be sure to explain why each is an ethical violation.

Just use the link up above for everything no chat gpt or ai please they will be checking